Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Procedure. New Policy.

Hello all,

I have found that since I now have a full time job (and a busy social life :P ) people have been coming out of the wood work asking me for random PR-related things lately. I am not complaining at all. I love what I do. It is just hard to keep up with all of it and the details and getting things done in a timely manner when people request things of me. To remedy this I have come up with a form that outlines the requested project for me and a deadline date and a signature. So it's like a contract, if you will.

Please use one of these forms for any and all requests from here on out or your project will most likely not get done for a variety of reasons (no deadline, lack of information/details to name a few). Please see attached form (& yes, that includes you Mom and Dad. I got to keep things straight).

Thanks for your cooperation,

If you need the form please comment and request one.

I charge by the hour based on the project.

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