Tuesday, April 29, 2008

One for the fans. .

I found out the other day I actually have a reader other than my mom!

Hi Barb! :)
Thanks for reading!

.. . .....and now back to the show.. .

I have a job now. I start next Monday! Thanks to all who prayed for me! I have been job-hunting since January. It's nice to not have to worry about how to pay my car payment this month for a change. God is good. It is going to be high paying, offer excellent benefits, and endless advancement opportunities (promoting from within)! Just what I needed!

I have been keeping pretty busy lately. Aside from spending all my free time with Exodus--well, actually I don't do much of anything else but that. . . Okay, rephrase. I am going to be extremely busy soon! I am starting a newjob next week and beginning in June I am going to be teaching a Sunday School class for young adults ages 18- 25 using Nooma curriculum by Rob Bell. I am excited. As things progress with this I will post more.

But man, when it rains it pours. Things are happening all at once for me now. I got a job, I am going to be teaching a class, and I have been asked for some freelance PR services -- a press release for a friend's business and a brochure for an independent contractor plus PR for a family festival at church. I am not complaining at all. I'll get paid for this stuff. :) Just busy.

Looking forward to the days ahead. I have been praying about some things lately. Can't talk about them openly just yet but I hope to soon be posting something positive! I wish so badly I could share my heart but I have learned the hard way how important it is to censor and withhold information especially when posting in an open forum. When I can I will share! It's exciting none the less.

Change is coming. Something good. I can feel it.

Updates to come.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Back to School

I miss school. I miss school so much in fact that I am so excited about the online class I am beginning tomorrow. I am taking an online class through Edison College to learn how to write grants.

I'll get a certificate of completion!
