Friday, July 24, 2009

Can Somebody Please Tell Me What Is Wrong With Me?!

Can somebody please tell me what is wrong with me?! This is a rhetorical question, by the way. I am not seeking advice or even encouragement. People have tried but it really has not been very helpful. My life sucks. That's about it. I am just a reject. Plain and simple.

I got turned down for yet another job. . quite possibly my dream job and it was entry level! How the [edit] am I supposed to get experience to get even an entry level job in my field if no company will even give me a chance????

I HATE this [edit] economy! I am serious when I say I am about an inch away from ripping my degree to shreds. It is just a piece of paper and 4 1/2 wasted years.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I was asked out today. . .

A much older man asked me out again today. In fact, this is the 4th time he has asked me out. He told me he is so happy when he is around me, I am like an angel, I have a sweet heart. He was sincere. He was so sweet and completely serious. I must say he certainly has guts to ask me out 4 times now to be (nicely) rejected. I always let him think I am engaged. Today was no different. While hiding my bare ring finger, I had to remind him again I already have someone. I wasn't lying completely. I was speaking my fiance into existence through faith. I felt bad letting him down. He seemed so crushed. I know how it is to like someone so much who a) does not know you exist and b) does not like you back. I don't ever want to hurt anyone in the way I've been hurt by rejection. . .