Thursday, March 6, 2008

"Kim, the Doctor will See You Now"

Past history:
A few years ago our church's attendance outgrew our facilities. It was a beautiful building. We had underwent expansions and renovations to the building and customized the building to our purposes and liking. We had been there for many years. I have many memories there. We did move to this city when I was 13 after all. When the opportunity came about for our church to purchase a new building elsewhere I voted against it in the church business meeting. I hate change. I was comfortable.

Another time a few years ago my parents decided to sell our home and build a new one on the other side of town. I was deadset against it. I loved my bedroom. That bedroom had truly been my sanctuary. I had grown up most of my teen years in that home. I lived there from age 13 to age 18. Those were some torrid years. When it came time to move I was away at college and no longer living with my parents but I still greatly missed that home, that bedroom, that sanctuary. It was just so comfortable.

Current symptoms:
After recently finishing college and returning home after living in dorms and even renting a condo and living by myself for some time I am now temporarily back home until I get on my feet again. The current church building is undergoing yet another building project and my family is well settled in our new home. My family except for me that is. That bedroom is not mine. Sure, it houses my belongings but it is not mine. I am sure some of the reason is because I haven't been here too often over the past few years because of college but whatever the whole reason is it is not my home. I have never been comfortable in that room nor that new queen size bed (my parents recently bought for it when it was a guest bedroom while I was away). The other day I woke up so sore. I felt as if I had ran a marathon. I had not done anything strenuous recently so I couldn't understand why my whole body ached and my muscles were so sore. God, you trying to tell me something? I am not comfortable. I find no solace in that room.

I said all that to say that God does not want us to ever get comfortable. We are to always be ready to move when He says "MOVE!" and right now I feel restless. I have a feeling something big is brewing in the Gulf. This is the same feeling I had when I knew God was not going to allow me to return to Southeastern University to finish my education. At the end of that first year I was comfortable and then God gave me that Holy Spirit stirring that I was to move on and go another route.
Bryan, our church's youth pastor, keeps on making comments everytime we speak lately like, "Who is going to continue this project when you move away?" I then reassure him in an unassuring tone that I am not going anywhere. I know I am going somewhere though. I might have turned down that job in Ohio but it doesn't mean God does not want me there. Is all this why I cannot find rest in the room they call mine and the queen size bed?

I could use some guidance right about now. . .

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