Friday, July 24, 2009

Can Somebody Please Tell Me What Is Wrong With Me?!

Can somebody please tell me what is wrong with me?! This is a rhetorical question, by the way. I am not seeking advice or even encouragement. People have tried but it really has not been very helpful. My life sucks. That's about it. I am just a reject. Plain and simple.

I got turned down for yet another job. . quite possibly my dream job and it was entry level! How the [edit] am I supposed to get experience to get even an entry level job in my field if no company will even give me a chance????

I HATE this [edit] economy! I am serious when I say I am about an inch away from ripping my degree to shreds. It is just a piece of paper and 4 1/2 wasted years.

1 comment:

Apple of His Eye said...

Nothing is wrong with you! You are not alone in this siutation. Continue to be thankful for what you do have. This current job was a God given job and in He's timing He'll move you the next level.

Hold on!

Love you, mom.